About Physiotherapy

physiotherapy colleges in mumbai

Basic Introduction

Founded in 1951, the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) is the sole international voice for physical therapy, representing more than 350,000 physical therapists worldwide through its 106 member organizations. The confederation operates as a non-profit organization and is registered as a charity in the UK


Physical therapy provides services to individuals and population to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout the lifespan. This includes providing services in circumstances where movement and functions are threatened by ageing, injury, pain, diseases, disorders, conditions or environmental factors. Functional movement is fundamental to be healthy.


Physicians like Hippocrates and later Galenus are believed to have been the first practitioners of physical therapy, advocating manual therapy techniques and hydrotherapy to treat people in 460 BC to promote stress release and for physical healing. Later writings were also found from Egypt, China and Persia regarding use of exercise and movement for ailments.

The first American school for physical therapy opened in 1914 in Washington DC, after physical therapy techniques were found to help injured soldiers who returned from World War I.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, physical therapy as a profession dealt with increasing diversification, such as orthopedic physical therapy and cardiopulmonary physical therapy & neuro-physiotherapy and started exploration as industrial & community physical therapy.

By 2007 there are 111 of the physical therapy programs in the US are entry level doctorate programs.


As first contact practice is permitted in India, Physical therapists are qualified and professionally required to:

  • undertake a comprehensive examination/assessment of the patient/client or needs of a client group
  • evaluate the findings from the examination/assessment to make clinical judgements regarding patients/clients
  • formulate a diagnosis, prognosis and plan
  • provide consultation within their expertise and determine when patients/clients need to be referred to another healthcare professional
  • implement a physical therapist intervention/treatment program
  • determine the outcomes of any interventions/treatments
  • Make recommendations for self-management.

Contribution in India

Physiotherapy in India started in the year 1954. What started as a diploma program back then has changed with the changing needs of the time to be a degree program of initially 2 years and now 4.5 years inclusive of 6 months of internship program. In past the course was running in few colleges only and with the increasing awareness and demand of the profession, there are presently many institutes offering the course.

Scope of physiotherapy

In India, physiotherapy is a flourishing career option. There are ample employment opportunities for the physiotherapists in government and private sectors. There are numerous clinics, hospitals, health departments, private nursing homes and rehabilitation centers in India where the physiotherapists are employed. Physiotherapist may also opt for independent practice. The physiotherapists can opt for research and development works in the pharmaceutical companies and institutional laboratories. They can also select the teaching option. They are employed in the schools for mentally retarded and physically disabled children, defense medical establishments and rehabilitation centers for the handicapped. The physiotherapists can get excellent opportunities for jobs in countries like USA, Australia and Canada.

Transcript provided by MUHS after bachelor degree course fulfills the credential criteria required by the universities abroad. Also the authenticity of the degree is ensured since, the MUHS is under the control state ministry which is crucial in esp. in case when candidate wants to pursue further career abroad.