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Terna physiotherapy institute strives to provide quality education to students with the aim of developing honest & professional attitude.
We believe that every moment in student’s life can play a decisive role in their professional career & has its own implications. We understand that every student is unique & born with his own style of learning. Here student’s individualized needs, skills & capabilities are explored & customized teaching is provided to them. Students are given opportunities to identify their role & responsibilities in various professional circumstances & are guided to take responsible decisions. This not just promotes their self-confidence but also helps them to identify themselves as responsible partners in promotion of health with humane touch.
Institute emphasizes not only on advanced professional knowledge available in the field, but also ensures strong character building and importance of good ethical practice.
We firmly believe that these are the few basic foundation bricks which would enable the students to grow from a naïve teenager to a professional expert, who can withstand and become a flourishing professional in any part of world.
Hence, we believe that the student would imbibe the culture of the institute & spread the light of knowledge to others like a light house. Whenever they would look back, they would not find an institute as mere an educational agency but their second home which in turn looks at them with proud & sheer compassion & happiness.

Mission of Terna Physiotherapy college is to contribute to the health needs of society through advanced education, scholarly activities, and professional clinical practices. At Terna, we aim to promote quality education through innovative, collaborative, and experiential teaching learning approach. We aspire to train proficient and compassionate professionals by promoting medical research culture and evidence based practice.