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It is the medical specialty that encompasses the two subspecialties viz obstetrics which coverspregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period and gynecology which covers health of female reproductive system.
- The department in widest sense caters to obstetric care viz antenatal, natal and postnatal phase. Antenatal cases are managed with proper counseling, nutritional management as well as close monitoring of complications if any. All modes of delivery i.e. normal, epidural and C sections are available and opted as per the situation. Post delivery patients are monitored till complete recovery and counseled for contraceptive measures too.
- Benign and malignant disorders of female reproductive tract are efficiently diagnosed and managed with the help of ultramodern facilities and trained personnel.
- postgraduate students are also acquainted to all sub-specialties like maternal fetal medicine, Gynaeconcology, infertility and urogynecology. They undergo training in obstetric ultrasound and laparoscopy.
- The facilities also make space for infertility and laparoscopic surgeries.
- Undergraduates also get sufficient exposure to common cases, their protocols and preliminary management plans.